
     I love killdeers. I admire them a lot. They have so much self control and remain so calm when danger is nearby.
     I love to see them sit without a single movement when they are on their eggs. And when they do move they are so good in pretending they are hurt. When I was a kid I used to love following them when they would flap their wings. I knew what they were doing but I just wanted to see how far they would take me from their nest.
      And to this day whenever I hear their call it brings back fond childhood memories.
     One of my favorite birds.

Frosty Mornings

Just took these this morning. The grass and weeds all tangled into each other trying to stay warm.

Fall colors

       I took these over several days. I love fall. Everything about it. The cool air and the smell of fallen leaves. It makes me feel so alive.